Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow Package
Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 can be purchased from the Internet. After Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 is easy to read and understand the information they love Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151 has a price. And limited.Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow PackageArrow Precision151
Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow Package Overview
The Inferno Blitz Compound Crossbow Package Features a 150 pound compound crossbow, a premium 4x32 multi reticle scope, quick detach quiver with 4 arrows, a free rope coking device, and an adjustable weaver style scope mount. The Inferno Blitz Crossbow also has an ambidextrous auto safety, precision machined aluminum wheels, integrated cable/string system, and shoots up to 285 feet per second. Included in the package is a large boot style foot stirrup, lightweight vented aluminum barrel, an ambidextrous lightweight synthetic rear stock, and all assembly tools that are needed.
Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow Package Feature
- Compound crossbow package comes with everything you need to get started hunting or target shooting
- Lightweight aluminum compound bow with ambidextrous auto safety, precision machined aluminum wheels, and integrated cable/string system
- Ambidextrous, lightweight synthetic rear stock and integrated cable and string system; adjustable, Weaver-style scope mount
- Firing speeds of up to 285 FPS; 6.25-pound weight (bow only), 35-inch length without foot stirrup, 28.5-inch limb tip to limb tip width, and 38-inch string length
- Also includes 4x32 multi reticle scope, quick detach quiver with four 16-inch aluminum arrows, rope cocking device, assembly tools, and hex keys
Arrow Precision Inferno Blitz Ultimate Crossbow Package Specifications
The Inferno Blitz Compound Crossbow Package comes with everything you need to get started hunting or target shooting, including a lightweight aluminum compound bow with ambidextrous auto safety, precision machined aluminum wheels, and integrated cable/string system. This item is not for sale in some specific zip codes.
What's in the box?
- 150-pound compound crossbow
- Premium 4x32 multi reticle scope
- Quick detach quiver with four 16-inch aluminum arrows
- Rope cocking device
- Assembly tools and hex keys
- Lightweight vented aluminum barrel
- Precision machined aluminum wheels
- Ambidextrous, lightweight synthetic rear stock
- Integrated cable and string system
- Adjustable, Weaver-style scope mount
- Ambidextrous auto safety
- Boot-style foot stirrup
- "Next GI" camouflage accents
- Compatible with crank cocking device (sold separately)
- Firing speeds of up to 285 FPS
- 6.25-pound weight (bow only)
- 35-inch length without foot stirrup
- 28.5-inch limb tip to limb tip width
- 38-inch string length
- Compression fiberglass limbs
- Extruded and machined aluminum track and barrel
- Cast aluminum riser