Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery Set
Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 can be purchased from the Internet. After Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 is easy to read and understand the information they love Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194 has a price. And limited.Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery SetArrow Precision194
Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery Set Overview
The Buck Youth Archery Set package is built with a high quality, comfortable, all metal riser, and sports an adjustable draw length compound design. The Buck has a 25 pound draw weight, compression fiberglass limbs, aluminum riser, 3 target arrows, and adjustable sight/brass sight pin.
Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery Set Feature
- Youth set comes with everything you need to help young archers get started with this exciting sport
- Bow is built with durable, all-metal riser, and features adjustable draw length compound design
- Includes youth bow, three target arrows, arm guard, quiver, and target faces
- 25-pound draw weight and 23-to-25-inch draw length
- Shoots up to 135 feet-per-second
Arrow Precision Buck 25-Pounds Compound Archery Set Specifications
The Buck Youth set from archery gear maker Arrow Precision comes with everything you need to help young archers get started with this exciting sport. The bow is built with a durable, all-metal riser, and features an adjustable draw length compound design.
What's in the box?
- Youth bow
- Three target arrows
- Arm guard
- Quiver
- Target faces
- Compression fiberglass limbs
- Aluminum riser
- Adjustable sight
- Brass sight pin
- Arrow rest
- 25-pound draw weight
- 23-to-25-inch draw length
- Shoots up to 135 feet-per-second