Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR
Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR is one of the best products with similar applications. It is durable in use. It is made of fine materials. Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR is also affordable, with If you are looking for a product that is used, then the same thing. Do not overlook Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR. I bought it on the web. And I was very happy to have bought Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR. If you want a product that is the same. I suggest that you use. Because it is a very good product. If you want to see detail of Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Bear Archery AYS100CR. Please click on the Get Discount Price Here.
Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Overview
The Bear Archery Warrior 3 Bow Set brings state of the art archery equipment to youth aged 11 and up. As the top American brand in youth and institutional archery, Bear Archery designs equipment to specifically fit the needs of young and intermediate shooters, making certain that young shooters have the best chance to develop their skills in the archery traditions.
Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Feature
- For young archers age 11 and up need to get started with the sport
- Bow features durable composite limbs and riser, and is for right-handed shooters only
- 25.5-Inch axle-to-axle length, 21 to 23-Inch draw length, 24 to 29-Pound draw weight
- Limbs 100% covered at no charge for first 5 years after purchase, 50% replacement cost after 5 years
- This item is not for sale in some specific zip codes
Bear Archery Right Hand Warrior III Bow Set Specifications
America's leading brand in youth and institutional archery, Bear Archery has, for 80 years, introduced more people to the sport of archery than any other company. By designing equipment to specifically fit the needs of youth and intermediate shooters, the company ensures young shooters can safely develop their archery skills. The Warrior 3 bow set comes with everything you need to get started, including the Warrior 3 bow, two Safetyglass arrows, an armguard, two-piece arrow quiver, finger tab, whisker biscuit arrow rest, pin sight and temporary tattoo. The bow, which features durable composite limbs and riser, is for right-handed shooters only.
- Recommended for ages 11 and up
- 25.5-inch axle-to-axle length
- 21-to-23-inch draw length
- 24-to-29-pound draw weight
- Six-inch brace height
- 70% let off
Bear Archery products include a limited manufacturer's warranty against defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty consists of the following specifics: Limbs 100% covered at no charge for the first five years after purchase, and at 50% of replacement cost after five years. Risers and cams are covered by a limited lifetime warranty.
About Bear Archery
Driven by a passion for bow hunting and craftsmanship, Fred Bear started Bear Archery during the Great Depression, and the company steadily grew. Over the years, the Bear name gained renown as a mark of quality, design, and workmanship. Today, Bear craftsmen build on the company's founder's contribution to the sport with a commitment to his original vision of quality products that advance the hunting experience.
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